
Instagram发布2022年美容时尚趋势!“极简主义”受热捧buy cheap IG followers,add instagram likes free






In terms of fashion, Instagram predicts that minimalist fashion will dominate. According to the report, the Dark Academy, Gothic and other alternative styles and Goblincore (aesthetics of appreciating the ugly side of nature) are becoming the mainstream styles. It is estimated that 50% of teenagers and young people will try a bolder style.buy cheap IG followers,add instagram likes free




另一方面,美容正朝着极简主义方向发展。根据该报告,大约三分之一的年轻人有兴趣了解和购买有机护肤和化妆产品,追求用 少的产品和更安全的成分。



The study also reported on the health concerns of Generation Z, predicting that a third of this group will increase their interest in activities such as guided meditation and expressive exercises. In addition, half of the young adults will increasingly tend to have an interest in and trust in the influencers and keep them in line with smaller and more loyal audiences.buy cheap IG followers,add instagram likes free


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