



网易科技讯 5月27日消息,据外媒报道,由于受新型冠状病毒疫情爆发影响,Facebook决定于美国当地时间周三(北京时间周四凌晨) 在线上举办年度股东大会。此次大会的提案包括反对董事会成员薪酬政策,罢免首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)的董事长职务,并拒绝支持部分董事任命,以此反抗公司“功能失调”的治理结构。

NetEase technology news May 27th, according to foreign media reports, due to the impact of the outbreak of New Coronavirus, Facebook decided to host the annual shareholders' meeting on the Internet for the first time online on Wednesday (Beijing time Thursday morning). Proposals for the meeting included opposition to the compensation policy for board members, removal of chief executive Mark Zuckerberg as chairman, and refusal to support the appointment of some directors in order to fight against the company's "dysfunctional" governance structure.

在股东中拥有巨大影响力的投资者集团ISS和Glass Lewis建议股东支持任命独立董事长的提案,该提案实际上将阻止扎克伯格作为Facebook创始人兼首席执行官的同时兼任董事长职位。不过,由于Facebook采用独特的双重股权结构,使得扎克伯格拥有50%以上的绝对表决权,因此这一提案有很大概率被否决。


除了罢免扎克伯格董事长的提案外,ISS呼吁股东,由于马克·安德森(Marc Andreessen)和彼得·泰尔(Peter Thiel)这两位备受瞩目的硅谷投资者在Facebook薪酬委员会中承担的角色,股东应该保留他们对连任的投票。该组织批评称,高管薪酬基于“模糊的指标”,例如“在互联网和我们公司面临的重大社会问题上取得进展”,以及“建立有意义地改善当今人们生活的新体验”等。




Zuckerberg retorted that it was "meaningless" to propose that Facebook appoint an independent chairman. However, Facebook's rhetoric in recent years has increasingly emphasized the need for independent oversight. The company is setting up an "oversight committee" to increase the power of the board of directors and outsource the work of verifying the authenticity of suspicious content to a global network of third-party fact checking services. ISS said it was a step in the right direction, but it was unclear whether the move was effective given the company's "maladjusted governance structure and previous failures in board oversight.".